Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Citizen History

The late 60's and early 70's saw an emergence of experimentation in education. During that period, more than 2,000 alternative schools sprouted up around the United States. Many of these "free" schools died on the vine, closing within their first couple of years. One that survived was the project of a few daring families who wanted something different and better for their children. From those early days in North Avondale's Mitchell mansion, with vision, hard work, and a pervasive spirit of community, came the treasure still known as The New School.

The New School was founded in 1970 by a group of parents, teachers and community members. The school pioneered Montessori education in an all-day setting, and has since served as a standard for academic excellence.

Working with them on this project was Hilda Rothschild, Professor of Education at Xavier University, student of Dr. Maria Montessori and founder of the first Montessori teacher education course at XU. In 1978, The New School received formal accreditation from the state of Ohio. In 2004, The New School received formal accreditation with the American Montessori Society and the Independent Schools of the Central States. Membership is maintained in the Ohio Association of Independent Schools.

Maria Montessori saw children as a "powerful force for humanities salvation." Following Dr. Montessori's vision of a holistic education our programs integrate and support children's understanding of history, biology, geography, mathematics, language and practical life skills, including problem solving and conflict resolution skills. We maintain an authentic context for this curriculum by sustaining a culturally and racially diverse school community. We are committed to preparing children to be "citizens of the world."

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