Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 2 July 7, 2010 part 4- A Very Full Day

Yesterday proved to be a very full day after Parts 1, 2 and 3 were posted. And while others may choose to post when they awaken after our current time of 5:20am (Nancy and I have been up since before 4am), here is the low down.

We first walked along the roads and rice fields while following some school children to the school that we will attend on Day 3.

Upon our return, we traveled with drivers Miyoko and Kenji to The Montessori International School in Yokkaichi. There, the kids learned simple Japanese communication, Katakana writing of their name using brushes, ink and fans and even practiced using Japanese Yen. If not doing this, they worked with Montessori 3-6 materials and the students who were in attendance. To end the morning, we all sat in circle and sang songs with the children. Really beautiful.

Next we traveled to do some lunch and to check out the 100 Yen shop, or dollar store for some quick finds.

Upon our return to Masako's, we met a clean room prepared for a traditional Japanese tea ceremony and instructions on the Japanese Koto (Check out Molly's Sakura Sakura on the Koto below) by Masoko's good friend Takai whom I had met on a previous trip. A really wonderful and generous person!

After dinner, we were treated to piano by one of Masako's students and we all did the Hokey Pokey. Then, we were treated to more Japanese brush writing by a high school student who shared with us ideas about the Japanese Star Festival happening just last night. Together, with this student, ours wrote wishes for the night in Kanji, folded them and tied them to bamboo with handmade string.

All this occurred with the children stating afterward that they weren't tired but I'll tell you, each was asleep before 9. They were tired.

So, that was Day 2. We're now slowing rising for Day 3. Look for a big picture post on flickr in the coming days. I'll let you know when it is set.

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